How to Increase Patient Volume During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 health crisis, private medical practices have seen a 60% decrease in patient volume. This means that many private practices have seen a drastic reduction in profitability. If you are sitting on the precipice of a financial disaster, now is the time to take action and dig yourself out of this quagmire. Focusing on increasing patient volume is the only way to get your medical practice back on good financing footing. 

Most people fail to realize just how competitive the world of medicine is. Owning a medical practice will require you to find ways to edge out others in this industry in an attempt to make a good living. Below are some things you should focus on when trying to increase patient volume during this global pandemic. 

Find Ways to Make Your Practice More Efficient

The main thing you have to focus on when trying to attract more patients is making your practice more efficient. If you are experience issues in your billing department regularly or having a problem with HIPPAA compliance issues, you need to make changes immediately. Sending new patients incorrect bills or improperly handling their sensitive information can lead to big problems. 

Rather than trying to handle these complex jobs alone, think about outsourcing them to professionals. The team at Zenith Healthcare Solutions is committed to helping medical practices reach their goals. They offer everything from billing services to human resources management. With their help, you can focus more on caring for your patients. 

Proactive Patient Outreach is Imperative 

As the owner of a medical practice, you need to realize you are in a service industry. This means you need to work on making patients feel valued and appreciated. Calling your existing patients to check-in and thank them for their business is a great way to attract new patients. If a person has a great experience with your medical practice, they are more apt to tell friends and family about it. 

Informing patients about what you are doing to keep them safe during the COVID-19 health crisis is also a must. Doing things like requiring social distancing in your waiting room, giving out facemasks and gloves to patients, and placing handwashing stations around your practice can be helpful. 

Get Your Front-Office Staff On Board

Improving patient volume numbers during this pandemic will require lots of teamwork. Making sure your front-office staff knows how to talk to patients and reassure them about the safety measures in place at your practice is essential. Training front-office staff to be friendly and engaging while talking on the phone with patients can help you avoid problems in the future. Simply assuming that new staff members know how to do this can result in patients not getting the care they need. 

Let’s Grow Your Practice Together

Do you need help with things like medical billing or HIPPAA compliance? If so, contact the team at Zenith Healthcare Solutions to find out more about the services we offer.


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