Compliance Challenges Facing Healthcare Facilities

Healthcare facilities face unprecedented times ahead as the challenges for healthcare providers and hospitals created by the COVID-19 crisis. Every day changes are being made in regards to compliance, and how healthcare facilities will respond is yet to be fully determined in this ever changing landscape.

Compliance with regulations such as those involving HIPAA and OSHA have always been on the forefront of all health care facilities responsibilities, and as the response to COVID-19 unfolds, it is difficult to discern the types or amount of changes that will be made to existing regulations, as well as development of new ones.

Changing Landscape Of Compliance

Now, more than ever, healthcare facilities need to have a dedicated compliance department in order to analyse, track, and respond to this new reality of compliance challenges. For medical offices and practices that are not adequately staffed to provide a dedicated compliance manager, strategic outsourcing of duties and responsibilities must be examined.

Pitfalls Becoming Breading Grounds For Fraud

Compliance pitfalls in healthcare have always existed, apart from the current health crisis. These pitfalls are now being exploited and made prevalent due to an increase in fraud, made easier by the weaknesses already existent in the healthcare system. As there is an uptick in fraudulent activity from many aspects of the health field, healthcare professionals must remain vigilant in order to comply with laws and regulations that govern their fields. 

Compliance Officers Face New Frontier

Managers and compliance officers are tasked with not only maintaining current HIPAA and OSHA regulations, they now must also stay abreast of fraudulent actions that seek financial gain through nefarious sources. In order to remain protected against fraud, compliance managers must make full use of their facilities procurement, IT, vendor contracts, and patient payment processing so that any irregularities are noticed quickly and dealt with effectively.

Solutions For Compliance Management

Healthcare facilities that currently manage their own compliance related issues may need to rethink how their practices can best be served by strategically outsourcing compliance management to professional companies such as Zenith Healthcare Solutions. Outsourcing compliance management ensures that the current needs are being met by highly trained professionals who remain current in the ever changing issues that surround healthcare compliance.

To learn more about how professional outsourcing can relieve your practice of the heavy burdens of compliance and other managerial aspects of healthcare, contact Zenith Healthcare Solutions today.


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